
Welcome to my blog. I am really new to this blogging thing but I wanted a place where I can share and showcase some of my wonderful creations. I am so excited to learn more about this blogging thing and in turn you all will learn more about me and my creations.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Last night my daughter Julia and I witnessed a very wonderful lightening show.  We had thunder and lightening for several hours.  We turned off all the lights and opened up the blinds and watched the show for several hours.  Such power...  and we got some much needed rain....here in Texas.  I just wish it would rain more often. 


Mary Ann Tate said...

I love your dolls. Very cute:)

Sharon B said...

So glad to find your blog - I am new to blogging too - hope to see lots of your creations - Hugs Sharon B